Realized Dreams . . . Still the place to be

On November 19, 1863 President Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address. In it he said, "the world will little note, nor long remember what we say here", then over 100 years later memorizing Lincoln's speech was part of the curriculum for nearly every American school. You just backtracked to see if you opened the right newsletter, didn't you? You're on the right page, stick with me here. There is significance between that famous speech and this edition of the CEO Tickler Newsletter. People did take note and they remembered.

As the Annual Leadership Conference closed for the day on June 17th, we challenged each of you remember what you learned through the day about what it means to partner with CU*Answers. "Remember how hard we work together as coaches/players, teachers/students and earning with others". The questions for this edition of the CEO Tickler Newsletter are designed to return you to those contagious enthusiasms of the day and remind you of why collectively "We are the place to be".

What is the completely new infrastructure and platform on the way?

Under development for two years, this interfaces between your CU*BASE member data and vendors you choose for service(s). But what are these vendors and what services do they provide?

What CU*BASE menu imposes the mindset of an aggregator?

While it's impossible to be all things to all people, it is quite possible to be a lot of things to a lot of people. How can you use CU*BASE to investigate and extract information about significant member groups and trends at your credit union?

What CU*BASE database and program supports and simplifies a required report produced quarterly?

This functionality added with the 9.1 Release identifies and documents over 900 fields coded for input into this financial report. What is it?

What loan product recently went through major renovation and is destined for more?

Built into this product is the ability to calculate interest instantly and allow pay ahead options, create principle curtailments in one step, participate in interactive messaging, plus choose the interest calculation date.

eStatements will morph into a new look and CU*SPY will be replaced; by who?

The partner responsible for these and many other major projects in the future is the champion of strategies for electronic documentation. Imaging is synonymous with electronic documentation but that's only part of the story. Be an active participant in e-Innovation through this partner.

What is one good way to find answers to your questions about new major projects?

There is a strong innovative and educational culture at CU*Answers. This page on the CU*Answers website is one place to read the facts when new developments or status changes occur.

What's in your plan?

As you write your business plan for the year 2010, what new services will you offer, and what enhancements will you add to those you have today? What skills do you need to build within your teams to achieve the objectives of your business plan?

It's no longer enough to have the right players on the field. You need the right players in the right positions skillfully selling the right products and services.

What do you think? Is this the year of your historical moments?
